Download accounts-auditor-11-ppc.hqx (374,879 KB)
From: Duane W Small
Subject: AccountsAuditor 1.1 (PPC)
Here is Version 1.1 of AccountsAuditor.
I wrote AccountsAuditor as a general utility for maintaining the
integrity of Quicken data files. It should also work with other money
management programs that can export data in QIF format. I developed
the program to meet my own needs, and I'm offering it without charge
to others who may find it useful. I am not associated with Intuit,
Inc., publishers of Quicken. This program has not been reviewed or
approved by Intuit, Inc.
The program works by comparing the current, working file with a saved
file to make sure that there haven't been any spontaneous changes to
the data. I have experienced a number of spontaneous changes in my
files, including some with Quicken 98 (the most recent version I've
used). I've also experienced changes once when performing a version
AccountsAuditor was developed under System 7.5.5. Recent revisions
and my current use of the program are under System 8.6. As far as I
know, the program should run under System 7.0 through 9.x. The
program requires at least 8000K of free memory; a large file can
require two or three times that amount.
Version 1.1 introduces two changes:
Dates are now interpreted in accordance with date format settings in
the Date & Time Control Panel, instead of assuming the date format
conventional in the US. A consequence of this change is that dates
with four-digit years are forced into the same range (1928 - 2027) as
dates with two-digit years.
To accommodate newer versions of Quicken (including future versions),
as well as other money management programs, lines in the export file
may now be of unlimited length. They previously were limited to the
the maximum length exported by Quicken 98.