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Expenses 1.5.1 (expenses-151.hqx)

Download expenses-151.hqx (2,023,112 KB)

From: Mike B
Subject: Expenses 1.5.1

Expenses 1.5.1 fat

-The program

Software for tracking expenses and or float expenditure.
Track expenses and even better if you need to return your expenses the
documents can be printed out for use as your expense or float envelope
headers or just to keep on file, keep all the information on one document or
use a separate document for each category or department, with options for
using with or without a float and or credit card payments. Most filed and
column names can now be renamed to the users preference.

There are pre entered settings for Dollars, Sterling, Euros and the option
for a custom currency that the user can set up from the preferences window,
this custom option is already preset for Canadian Dollars but can be altered
to any currency of the users preference.


(NEW) Rename option for most column and fields.
(NEW) Undo Remove / Redo Remove menu item.
(NEW) Tip window with option to disable.
(NEW) User Interface Option.
(NEW) Document preference converter option.
(NEW) Window menu.
(FIX) List entry number control.
(FIX) Remove Contextual menu control now works.


Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above, not OSX compatible.

-Compressed Bin Hex size:
