Info-Mac Archive Downloads: comm/atlk/
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65 files
Show all abstracts inline (can get big for really old Macs)
- Re: Re- ACL Whacker 1.0 Demo (acl-whacker-10-demo.hqx)
- Announce version 1.2.3; sends messages (announce-123.hqx)
- AppleShare 3.6.1 Patch (appleshare-361-patch.hqx)
- comm/atlk/appleshare-setup (appleshare-setup.hqx)
- AppleTalk-Manager-0.5 (appletalk-manager-05.hqx)
- [*] AutoGuest.hqx (auto-guest.hqx)
- broadcast21.sea.hqx (broadcast-21.hqx)
- ChatTalk 1.0.1 (Easy network messages) (chat-talk-installer.hqx)
- Chatter 2.03.1 (chatter-203.hqx)
- Choosier 1.0, a zone-happy replacement for Apple's Chooser (choosier-10.hqx)
- EZChat 1.2 /comm/appletalk (ez-chat-12.hqx)
- Submission (file-sharing-hack-10d1.hqx)
- FrontDoor v1.8.0 (front-door-180.hqx)
- Get Current Users (1.0.2b) (get-current-users-102b-as.hqx)
- GSU-Ping.sit.hqx (gsu-ping.hqx)
- Guest Lister 1.2 (guest-lister-12-hc.hqx)
- Helios LanTest 2.5.0 - File Server Performance Evaluation Tool (helios-lan-test-25.hqx)
- Hellbeast 1.0a9 (hellbeast-10a9.hqx)
- HyperNet 1.01b - network messaging (hyper-net-101b.hqx)
- HyperXchange (hyper-x-change.hqx)
- Intercom! (intercom-hc.hqx)
- Kill File Share FKEY (kill-fileshare-fkey.hqx)
- LanSatellite 2.0b6 (AppleTalk network management) (lan-satellite-20b6.hqx)
- LanTest 1.1 - File Server Performance Evaluation Tool (lan-test-11.hqx)
- (lantest-201.hqx)
- MacConference (mac-conference.hqx)
- MacPing 3.0 DEMO (mac-ping-30-demo.hqx)
- Message-Board 1.0.2 (message-board-102-hc.hqx)
- [*] Messenger_1.5.9.sea (messenger-159.hqx)
- MetriTalk (Metricom Radio Wireless AppleTalk) (metritalk.hqx)
- AppleTalk Network Utility, Network Name Tool (nbp-tool.hqx)
- Net Manager 1.1 (net-manager-11.hqx)
- NetStickies 2.1 (net-stickies-21.hqx)
- NetWize_v095 (net-wize-095.hqx)
- NetLink Remote 1.0.5b4 ( An ARA alternative ) (netlink-remote-105b4.hqx)
- Network Chatter (network-chatter-hc.hqx)
- Network Security Guard 3.1 (network-security-guard-31.hqx)
- Note 2.0.1 (note-fat-201.hqx)
- Ping - version 1.1 (ping-11.hqx)
- PortShare Pro 2.6 - share your modems/PPP links (port-share-pro-26-demo.hqx)
- Powershare (power-share-10.hqx)
- (quick-agent-20-demo.hqx)
- The Red Queen (red-queen.hqx)
- [*] - ScanShare 1.2 (scan-share-12-demo.hqx)
- QuickMail Pro Autoreply (scripts.hqx)
- seer / localtalk / records all packets (seer.hqx)
- ServerMounter 1.1 (server-mounter-11-as.hqx)
- SetDateTime 3.0 (set-date-time-30.hqx)
- Sibling Rivalry 2.01 - Another "The Chooser Sux" Program (sibling-rivalry-201.hqx)
- Silver Cloud (silver-cloud.hqx)
- SingleTalk 1.1 (Single Computer AppleTalk) (single-talk-11.hqx)
- SnapMail 1.01 Demo (snap-mail-101-demo.hqx)
- [*] Speed Message II (v2.0) - E-mail Utility (speed-message-2-20.hqx)
- Talk&Mail for Macintosh (talk-and-mail-10.hqx)
- TeleTalk 1.1.1 (teletalk-111.hqx)
- thats-my-name10.hqx - Responder like extension and application (thats-my-name-10.hqx)
- SoftScreen Extension 1.0 (timbuktu-soft-screen-ext.hqx)
- [*] TimeServer (time-server.hqx)
- ToggleAT FKEY v4 (toggle-appletalk-40-fkey.hqx)
- (transfer-notify.hqx)
- Trawl 1.02 (Network Management Utility) (trawl-102.hqx)
- 2Way Talker 2.2 upgrade for PowerMacs (two-way-talker-22.hqx)
- UnderControl 0.47 (under-control-047-as.hqx)
- Please post (Watch) (watch.hqx)
- Waxcups 1.0 - Voice communication over Appletalk (wax-cups-100.hqx)