Download front-door-180.hqx (101,330 KB)
From: (Brian K. Jacobsen,)
Subject: FrontDoor v1.8.0
* Mount the volumes, which the user have access to, from up to 16
preselected servers. - which can be placed in different zones !!!!! -
* ChangePassword on all servers which supports this
* Password protected preferencepart
* Optional: Paste ownername into username
* Optional: Allow guestaccess
* Optional: Change name of booting harddisk
* Optional: Autostart on/off
- the Optional's are set on/off in the preference-part
Site Licens: US$110
SiteLicens incl source: US$1000
System requirements:
* System 7 and up (It has been tested with system 7.0 to system 7.5.3)
* A network with access to one or more AppleShare servers (Supports
AFPVersion 1.1, 2.0 & 2.1)
If you use RAMDoubler with some Macintosh-types (ex. PowerMac 5200),
you need to use v7.5.3 of the system
Documents are in Microsoft Word v5.1
Quick Install: Run "FDInstaller" & Restart
--- Changes since the last released version (1.7.0) ---
* Added the Installer history (where does FDInstaller put what?)
* Removed Password-dialog in Setup, if no admin-password set.
* Changed size of dialog for "Password changed on...servers"
* Removed SysBeep(), if autostart was unselected
* Added "Remove FrontDoor" in installation
* Now you can cancel the installation
* Removed "shade"-error in the systemextension
* Changed my address (I've moved)
* Removed singleuser license
* Changed the price from US$100 to US$110 (I shall pay US$10 when
cashing the cheque)
* Now you can buy the source-code as well
* Removed a few minor beauty-bugs