Download hermes-change-info-plus-311.hqx (12,366 KB)
From " (Michael Krause)" Mon Mar 7 00:05:46 1994
Subject: hermes-ii-changeinfo-311.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
From: (Michael Krause)
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 94 02:02:46 -0500
This goes in the comm directories of FTP sites.
To FTP site moderators: Please make a 'hermes-bbs' directory in the comm
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as such on
Hermes II BBS external program - Change Info+ v3.1.1
Change Info+ v3.1.1 : 7k+:Change Info+ v3.1.1 by Delphic Software
The complete city/state, phone number, etc modification
tool! v3.1.1 fixes a bug that corrupted part of the
v3.1 version that was available on PUMA. The program
says v3.1 inside of it, but it *is* the v3.1.1 version.
Enjoy it -
Michael B. Krause
Sysop of The Exchange BBS --- 216.261.9911
-- cut here -- begin Change Info+ v3.1.1.hqx -- part 1 of 1 --