Download mubbs-login-security.hqx (21,071 KB)
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 15:45:08 PST
This folder contains a primitive security system for the MUBBS BBS system. It's merely a modified log in module that allows new users to sign up, but will time them out as soon as they reach the main menu. I am uploading this module with the permission of the MUBBS authors. I did the modification myself.
MUBBS is, to my knowledge, the only freeware BBS program available for the macintosh. Version 1.1 is available from mac.archive.umich, and the most recent version is available from the MUBBS Support BBS at (805) 259-6407. There's good support for MUBBS available, so I highly encourage anyone looking for a BBS program to check it out!.