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skynet_fc_setting12.sea (skynet-settings.hqx)

Download skynet-settings.hqx (290,797 KB)

Date: Sun, 14 Feb 93 10:34:46 EST
From: (Matthew Simpson)
Subject: skynet_fc_setting12.sea

This is the latest version of the skyNET settings file. skyNET Australia runs
on a Mac IIvi, with 3 Hard Disks and 2 CD-ROM drives. It has multiple lines,
each with a PSI COMStation 5, all speeds upto 14,400 bps with MNP error
correction and compression. skyNET currently has links to FidoNet, InterNet and
other First Class systems in Australia and Internationally. Also Fax send and
receive capabilities. The skyNET number is 61 (3) 562 2624, Fax 61 (3) 562
5884. Copyright @ 1993 skyNET Australia.