Download hermes-new-user-2-13.hqx (15,874 KB)
From " (Michael Krause)" Sun Mar 6 23:14:50 1994
Subject: hermes-ii-newuserii-13.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
From: (Michael Krause)
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 94 02:07:45 -0500
This goes in the comm directories of FTP sites.
To FTP site moderators: Please make a 'hermes-bbs' directory in the comm
hierarchies. as such on
as such on
Hermes II BBS external program - NewUser II v1.3
NewUser II v1.3 : 10k+:NewUser v1.3 - Hermes II external
that displays a nice customizable ANSI/ascii menu for
new-users which gives them a list of text files to
read. Customizable # of text files and customizable
prompts. A few changes over v1.2 - Shareware $10.
Enjoy it -
Michael B. Krause
Sysop of The Exchange BBS --- 216.261.9911
-- cut here -- begin NewUser II v1.3.hqx -- part 1 of 1 --