Info-Mac Archive Downloads: comm/bbs/
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87 files
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- Alice 2.4.2 E (alice-242.hqx)
- Alice 2.4.2/3E -> 2.4.4E (alice-24x-to-244-updt.hqx)
- [*] America Online Download Manager Assistant (aol-dm-assist.hqx)
- BirthdayGrabber (birthday-grabber-10.hqx)
- BMUG Boston TCP settings (bmug-boston-tcp-settings-fc.hqx)
- BulkRate FAQ 2.6 (German) (br-faq-26-de.hqx)
- BulkRate FAQ 2.6 (English) (br-faq-26.hqx)
- BulkRate 2.6b5 (bulk-rate-26b5.hqx)
- Mailto Helper for BulkRate 1.0b1 (bulk-rate-mailto-ftp-10b1.hqx)
- CallGrabber (call-grabber-112.hqx)
- Charon 0.9.9, a Fidonet mailer for points (charon-099.hqx)
- Cindy's FC HyperAnalyzer v2.2 (cindys-fc-hyper-analyzer-hc.hqx)
- E-Mail->Echo1.0; a mail routing utility (email-echo-10.hqx)
- Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware (f1-lite-119r4-free.hqx)
- Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware (f1-lite-119r4free.hqx)
- Copland-Style File Transfers for FirstClass (fc-copland-style-file-trans.hqx)
- FirstClass Log Inspector 1.3 (fc-log-inspector-13.hqx)
- FCReader 1.9b8.5 (fc-reader-19b85-fr.hqx)
- FCReader 1.9b9 US submission (fc-reader-19b9.hqx)
- FCReader 1.9b9 US Documentation submission (fc-reader-docs.hqx)
- FC Settings Updater 2.0 (fc-settings-updater-20.hqx)
- FC To Clip 2.0.2 (fc-to-clip-202-fkey.hqx)
- Visual Nation lite setting (fc-visual-nation-setup-lite.hqx)
- FirstClass Client 2.7 (FAT) (first-class-client-27.hqx)
- FirstClass Client 2.72 FAT ITA (first-class-client-272-it.hqx)
- FirstClass* Getting Started documentation (first-class-docs.hqx)
- (first-class-text-picture-112.hqx)
- FirstClass Utility Stack v1.2 (first-class-utility-hc.hqx)
- WindowBottom for FirstClass (first-class-window-bottom-fkey.hqx)
- 1stBBS Remote User (first-remote-user.hqx)
- Freddie 1.2.5 (freddie-125.hqx)
- hermes-ii-3am-blackjack-10.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-3am-blackjack-10.hqx)
- hermes-ballot-box-12.hqx (hermes-ballot-box-12.hqx)
- hermes-ii-bul-20.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-better-user-lister-20.hqx)
- hermes-ii-changeinfo-311.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-change-info-plus-311.hqx)
- hermesii-CompuMatcher1.4d; Hermes II BBS External Application (hermes-compu-matcher-14d.hqx)
- Hermes Directories Reader; a BBS utility (hermes-directories-data-101-hc.hqx)
- hermes-ii-expressions-21.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-expressions-21.hqx)
- externalman-13.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-external-man-13.hqx)
- hermes-ii-hangman-11.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-hangman-11.hqx)
- Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in Adobe Acrobat format (hermes-ii-352-docs-pdf.hqx)
- Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in MS Word format (hermes-ii-352-docs-word.hqx)
- Hermes II 3.5.2, a BBS (hermes-ii-352.hqx)
- hermes-ii-merchant-050b1.sit.hqx (hermes-merchant-050b1.hqx)
- hermes-ii-newuserii-13.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-new-user-2-13.hqx)
- hermes-ii-nupatch-10.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-nupatch-10.hqx)
- hermes-ii-regform-center-1.0.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-regform-center-10.hqx)
- hermes-ii-safecracker-2.0.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1] (hermes-safecracker-20.hqx)
- HyperQWK 1.0 (hyper-qwk-10-hc.hqx)
- ISCA Client for the Mac (isca-client.hqx)
- MicroPhone Scripts for Knowledge Index (kwik-knowledge-mp.hqx)
- macwoof 1.5.3 (mac-woof-153.hqx)
- Macropolis (macropolis.hqx)
- maczpoint-195 (maczpoint-195.hqx)
- Mascot 1.4 - A Utility for FC Admins (mascot-14-fc.hqx)
- MaxGate 1.0r2 Fido to FC gateway (max-gate-10r2.hqx)
- MaxTF for Telefinder 4.0 BBS's (max-tf-15.hqx)
- new Minitel emulator without password and account number (minitel.hqx)
- mubbs1.1.cpt.hqx (mubbs-11.hqx)
- no subject (file transmission) (mubbs-login-security.hqx)
- Multi 3.8 (multi-38-as.hqx)
- NovaTerm 3.11 (nova-term-311.hqx)
- Obolus 1.0.2 (obolus-102.hqx)
- PA CC Mods (pa-cc-mods-94-12-20.hqx)
- PA Custom Login (pa-login.hqx)
- PA Custom NewUser (pa-new-user.hqx)
- PA ST Pak #1 (pa-st-modules-pt1.hqx)
- Pancake BBS 1.1.2 (pancake-112.hqx)
- Pizza 1.06 (pizza-106b.hqx)
- QuickB DA V1.0 (Dec. 4, 1990) submission (quick-b.hqx)
- QuoteMonger (quote-monger-101.hqx)
- Here's a program to be put up on yoru FTP site... (qwk-13.hqx)
- QWK, a mail reader for Macintosh:comp.binaries.mac [part 1 of 2] (qwk-reader.hqx)
- semaphore-110.hqx (semaphore-110.hqx)
- Send files to a TeleFinder Host, scribt (send-files-telefinder.hqx)
- SitC Lister 2.1 (sitc-lister-21.hqx)
- skynet_fc_setting12.sea (skynet-settings.hqx)
- ST Module Pak b15 (st-module-pak-b15.hqx)
- T2 1.0.3 Alice Fidonet compagnion (t2-103-alice.hqx)
- telefinderpro222-223updater.sit (tele-finder-pro-222-to-223-updt.hqx)
- telefinderpro2.2.2 (tele-finder-pro-222.hqx)
- TeleFinder TCP Host DEMO (tele-finder-tcp-host-demo.hqx)
- TeleFinder TCP User (tele-finder-tcp-user.hqx)
- TeleFinder USer for MacOS, v5.6.1 (telefinder-user-561.hqx)
- FC Text-Picture 1.1.3 (text-picture-113-fc2.hqx)
- TIMM 1.4 - The Ideal Mac Mailreader (timm-14.hqx)
- UserGrabber (user-grabber-107.hqx)